These sermons are expository lectures proclaimed by Bible scholars that are not only Gospel preachers but most are also college professors with Doctorate Degrees. For the last twenty five years we have recorded these wonderful sermons. With this Podcast we hope to share these sermons for your edification.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
Two Prisoners - Two Storms
One of the interesting things about studying God's word is that, after some time, you start seeing differences and similarities between the various things God has revealed in the written word. This sermon, presented by Phil Roberts, serves as a great example.
The record of the things that happened to the prophet Jonah, who was a prisoner of his own hate against the Ninevites, and the apostle Paul, a prisoner of the Romans, both face terrible storms on the sea. A comparison of these two incidents make a very interesting and informative study.
Speaker: Phil Roberts
Recorded: October 29, 2000