These sermons are expository lectures proclaimed by Bible scholars that are not only Gospel preachers but most are also college professors with Doctorate Degrees. For the last twenty five years we have recorded these wonderful sermons. With this Podcast we hope to share these sermons for your edification.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Suffering Of God
Have you ever given thought to the fact that God has feelings just the same as we do? He may not have a physical body but with this sermon by Phil Roberts we learn that God feels pain and suffering as well as other emotions. Thankfully, God feels love for us and joy but in addition, He also feels jealously and can become enraged. The more we know about God and the more we strive to become like Him, the closer to Him we'll be. We should all try to draw closer to God!
Speaker: Phil Roberts
Recorded: October 1, 1989