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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Death: Where Is Your Victory?

This sermon by Gary Wilemon is about our end of life here on this earth. He explains about the sting of death and how it affects us. He also explains about Jesus giving his life for us.

Speaker: Gary Wilemon
Recorded: July 7, 2019

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Curing Depression and Discouragement

Curing Depression and Discouragement

Twenty-Three years ago, before 9/11 and before the arrival of this terrible coronavirus, even then, we were dealing with depression and discouragement for a variety of reasons. With this sermon, the late Phil Roberts, our beloved preacher as well as a professor with a doctorate degree in biblical studies, delivers a lesson very pertinent to the situation we find ourselves in.

Speaker: Phil Roberts
Recorded: June 8, 1997