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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Deity Of Christ

Our podcast this week is a serious study regarding the deity of Jesus. Phil Roberts with this sermon establishes from God's word that Christ is God.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When Jesus Comes Into Your Life - (The story of Zacchaeus)

Our podcast this week is a sermon just recently preached at Antioch by David McClister. Since childhood we have all been intrigued by the story of Zacchaeus and his determination to meet Jesus. His desire to see Jesus was more than fulfilled when Jesus came to dine with him. The end result of Zacchaeus meeting Jesus made dramatic changes in his life.

Allowing Jesus to come into your life can also make dramatic changes in yours as well. With this sermon David encourages us and shows from God's word the many things each of us can learn from this beloved Bible story.

Speaker: David McClister
Recorded: April 19, 2009

Please visit the Antioch website for a wealth of more encouraging sermons.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Behavior That Grows Out Of Love

This week's podcast, though our 102nd in the past two years, is actually our first podcast with Google's podcasting service known as Blogger.

The sermon for this week is an excellent sermon by Thaxter Dickey from the year 1999 but the message he shares with us is needed even more today than back then.

Speaker: Thaxter Dickey
Date Recorded: 8-15-1999
Subjects Referenced: family, love, fathers, responsibility