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Monday, April 19, 2010

The Last Shall Be First

Jesus told a parable
where He explained that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Explanations of statements like this can often be just the opposite of what you may think. With this Podcast, Phil Roberts explains in detail the meaning of this parable of Jesus.

Speaker: Phil Roberts

Recorded: March 30, 2003

Christians and the Old Testament

All Christians understand they are part of the New Testament church. The question that often arises, however, is what is our relationship with the Old Testament and do we have laws in the Old Testament that we must obey? All of those answers and more are covered in this week's podcast.

Speaker: Phil Roberts
Recorded: August 24, 2003

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Romans Fourteen: Unity Without Uniformity

Usually our podcast is updated every seven to ten days but we've updated it out of sequence today because of the current interest in the subject matter. This sermon by David McClister is taken from the first half of chapter fourteen of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans. This sermon is part of an ongoing series of almost twenty lessons that begin with chapter one and continues through chapter sixteen. The entirety of the series will be posted on our website in the coming months.

Speaker: David McClister
Recorded: April 4, 2010

Balancing Spontaneous and Ritualistic Worship

This podcast is provided as an extra sermon in our series of weekly podcasts that usually feature sermons by Phil Roberts from the last two decades. This sermon by Thaxter Dickey has generated a lot of interest and is helpful for each one of us as we worship God in truth as well as with sincerity from our hearts.

Speaker: Thaxter Dickey
Recorded: April 4, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Jerusalem Church

Our Podcast this week examines the very first church. This congregation began with three thousand members and in a matter of months they were up to about ten thousand Christians. This is a study of how that was accomplished.

Speaker: Phil Roberts
Recorded: September 29, 2002